Preek/ Boodskap oor: Gehoorsaamheid

Wat is ’n Waarde?

  • Kerkwaardes is diepgewortelde oortuigings, wat die gedrag van ‘n kerkgemeenskap
  • Waardes is belangrik omdat hulle die kerk se optrede in lyn bring met sy visie, wat ‘n konsekwente en doelgerigte rigting skep.

Nog ‘n Waarde by LCF is “gehoorsaamheid”.

Is dit ’n woord wat sag op jou oor val of ’n harde woord?

Watter emosie kom by jou op as jy die woord hoor? Negatief?

Mag Heilige Gees jou persepsie dalk vanoggend verander deur ’n ander perpektief te gee.

Ons kyk na. Belangrikheid, Hoekom, Hoe.

  1. Hoe belangrik is gehoorsaamheid?

Hoeveel WAARDE heg jy daaraan?

punt 1

Hoe belangrik is gehoorsaamheid vir God?

Genesis 2:16-18

16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, You may freely (unconditionally) eat [the fruit] from every tree of the garden; 17 but [only] from the tree of the knowledge (recognition) of good and evil you shall not eat, otherwise on the day that you eat from it, you shall most certainly [a]die [because of your disobedience].”

Adam en Eva “moet nie van die boom van kennis van goed en kwaad eet nie”

Ongehoorsaamheid = rebellie

Ongehoorsaamheid bring skeiding tussen ons en God

Genesis 6:5-8

5 The Lord saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. 6 The Lord [c]regretted that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was [deeply] grieved in His heart. 7 So the Lord said, I will destroy (annihilate) mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth—not only man, but the animals and the crawling things and the birds of the air—because it [deeply] grieves Me [to see mankinds sin] and I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor and grace in the eyes of the Lord.

9 Noah was a righteous man [one who was just and had right standing with God], blameless in his [evil] generation; Noah walked (lived) [in habitual fellowship] with God.

God sê vir Noag wat om te doen.

22 So Noah did this; according to all that God commanded him, that is what he did.

Een man se gehoorsaamheid staan tussen die uitwissing of redding van die mensdom.

Skrif sê Noag het presies gedoen wat God hom beveel het.

Jesus wat sondeloos was, se gehoorsaamheid aan Sy Vader lei tot ons redding vir die wat Hom (Jesus) as redder aanvaar en Hom lief het.

Punt 2

Hoe belangrik is gehoorsaamheid vir jou?

Is dit wat vir God waarde het vir jou ook waardevol?

  1. Definisie van gehoorsaamheid in die Bybel
  • Die algemene konsep van gehoorsaamheid in beide die Ou en Nuwe Testament hou verband met hoor of luister na ‘n hoër gesag.
  • Een van die Griekse terme vir gehoorsaamheid in die Bybel dra die idee oor om jouself onder iemand te posisioneer deur jou te onderwerp aan hulle gesag en bevel.
  • ‘n Ander Griekse woord vir gehoorsaam in die Nuwe Testament beteken “om te vertrou.”
  • Volgens Holman’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary is ‘n definisie van Bybelse gehoorsaamheid “om God se Woord te hoor en daarvolgens op te tree.”
  • Eerdman’s Bible Dictionary sê: “Ware gehoorsaamheid, behels die fisiese hoor, wat die hoorder inspireer, en ‘n geloof of vertroue wat op sy beurt die hoorder motiveer om op te tree in ooreenstemming met die spreker se begeertes.”
  • Bybelse gehoorsaamheid aan God beteken dus om God te hoor, te vertrou, jou aan Hom te onderwerp en om jou oor te gee aan God.

Luke 6:46-49

46 “Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord,and do not practice what I tell you? 47 Everyone who comes to Me and listens to My words and obeys them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 he is like a [far-sighted, practical, and sensible] man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation on the rock; and when a flood occurred, the torrent burst against that house and yet could not shake it, because it had been securely built and founded on the rock. 49 But the one who has [merely] heard and has not practiced [what I say], is like a [foolish] man who built a house on the ground without any foundation, and the torrent burst against it; and it immediately collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great.”

Definisie Eenvoudig gestel: om te hoor en dit te doen.

Wat is die volgende ding wat God vir jou sê om te doen?

Hy vra nie om ‘n lang stel reëls na te kom nie, dis wat die Fariseërs en Sadduseërs gedoen het.

Gehoorsaamheid is nie om wetties wees en slawe van die wet word nie.

Ons praat oor jou verhouding met Hom, jou gehoorsaamheid aan Hom stap-vir-stap, dag-vir-dag as Hy vir jou sê om iets te doen, om dit dan te doen.

  1. Hoekom gehoorsaam wees?
  • Uit liefde… ware liefde vir Jesus as persoon en so-ook God die Vader.

Johannes 14:18-21

18 “I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, bereaved, and helpless]; I will come [back] to you. 19 After a little while the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. 20 On that day [when that time comes] you will know for yourselves that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you. 21 The person who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him [I will make Myself real to him].” Is Jesus regtig real vir jou?

Jesus se voorbeeld? Hoe wys Hy dat Hy Sy Vader lief het?

31 but so that the world may know [without any doubt] that I love the Father, I do exactly as the Father has commanded Me [and act in full agreement with Him].

Wat is die sleutel tot God se hart? Gehoorsaamheid.

  1. Hoe? Deur Heilige Gees

Johannes 14:16 helper, strengthener dwelling in us.

15 “If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments.

Role of the Spirit

16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you.

  • Net Jesus Christus is volmaak, daarom kon net Hy in sondelose, volmaakte gehoorsaamheid wandel en ons red van sonde se prys.
  • Maar soos ons die Heilige Gees toelaat om ons van binne te transformeer, groei ons in heiligheid.
  • Dit is die proses van heiligmaking, wat ook as geestelike groei beskryf kan word.
  • Hoe meer ons God se Woord lees, tyd saam met Jesus deurbring en die Heilige Gees toelaat om ons van binne te verander, hoe meer groei ons in gehoorsaamheid en heiligheid as Christene.

***Verlossing is ‘n genadegawe, jou gehoorsaamheid red jou nie en kry jou nie in die hemel nie

Maar gehoorsaamheid is vir God belangrik

Gehoorsaamheid is ‘n keuse en ‘n proses

Rom 12:2 be transformed by the renewal of your mind

2 And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].

Gehoorsaam = hoor en dan saam met Heilige Gees doen


Mag Heilige Gees vandag ons gedagtes vernuwe rondom gehoorsaamheid:

  • Hoe belangrik dit is vir God, en vir ons behoort te wees
  • Ons motief vir ons gehoorsaamheid is ons liefde vir Hom
  • Heilige Gees stap hierdie pad van gehoorsaamheid saam met ons, sodat ons Sy seën en doel vir ons lewe voluit jan leef.