Weet jy wie jy is?
• Hoe sal jy die persoon wat jy sien aan jouself voorstel?
• Hou jy opreg van, respekteer en gee jy om vir die persoon wat jy sien?
• Wat dink jy werklik van hierdie persoon?
• Is jy kwaad of dankbaar oor wat God in jou lewe gedoen het?
• Wie dink jy beïnvloed jou siening van jou eie identiteit die meeste?
• Hoe diep is jy deur ander seergemaak?
Hoe die wêreld identiteit bepaal
• Persoonlikheidseienskappe, vermoëns, voor
en afkeure, jou geloofstelsel of
morele waardes, en die dinge wat jou motiveer dit dra alles by tot selfbeeld of
jou unieke identiteit as ‘n persoon.
• Identiteit hou verband met ons basiese waardes wat die keuses wat ons maak
dikteer (bv. verhoudings, loopbaan). Hierdie keuses weerspieël wie ons is en
waaraan ons waarde heg.
• In plaas daarvan om hul identiteit te kies internaliseer sommige mense bloot die
waardes van hul ouers of die dominante kulture (bv. die strewe na materialisme,
mag en voorkoms).
• Sielkundiges neem aan dat identiteitsvorming ‘n kwessie is om jouself te “vind”
deur jou talente en potensiaal met beskikbare sosiale rolle te laat pas.
• In die lig van identiteitstryd, neem baie uiteindelik donkerder identiteite aan,
soos dwelmmisbruik, kompulsiewe inkopies of dobbelary, as ‘n kompenserende
metode om “aliveness” te ervaar of depressie en betekenisloosheid af te weer.
– Psychology Today
Die verwarring van jou identiteit
• Identiteitsverwarring is oral om ons en ons word voortdurend
daarmee gebombardeer.
• Ons leef in ‘n digitale generasie wat voortdurend gebombardeer word
met willekeurige en opponerende boodskappe oor wie ons is en wat
ons is.
• Ons moet goed oor onsself VOEL om ‘n positiewe identiteit te hê.
Gevoelens is skeef (…en gevaarlik)
• Gevoelens is kragtige kommunikeerders, maar nie betroubare bronne van waarheid nie.
• Jou gevoelens is een van die vlakste en onstabiele dele van jou lewe.
• Jou gevoelens is geestelike leuenaars.
• Emosies kan maar heen
en weer en op en af swaai, logika omseil, die werklikheid
ignoreer en op spekulasie reageer. Net omdat iets waar voel, maak dit glad nie waar nie.
• Gevoelens is basies wispelturige volgelinge, nie betroubare leiers nie.
• Om jou identiteit deur jou gevoelens te laat bepaal is skeef en gevaarlik.
Julle moenie aan hierdie sondige wêreld gelyk word
nie, maar laat God julle verander deur julle denke te
vernuwe. Dan sal julle ook kan onderskei wat die wil
van God is, wat vir Hom goed en aanneemlik en
volmaak is.
Romeine 12:2 (1983)
Identiteit is die kernkwessie
• Wat ek en jy oor God en oor onsself glo, is twee van die mees sentrale
en grondliggende oortuigings in ons harte.
• Hoe verder hierdie interne oortuigings van die waarheid wegdraai,
hoe meer verwoesting sal ons verwronge interpretasies van identiteit
op ons gedrag saai.
Waarin lê jou WARE identiteit
• Jou identiteit sal vir jou al hoe duideliker word, soos wat jy groei in
jou begrip/verstaan van God. En aangesien Jesus die volheid van God
is wat in menslike, liggaamlike vorm uitgedruk word (Kol. 2:9;
Heb.1:3), sal jou groeiende kennis van Christus jou ook ‘n groeiende
kennis van God gee, en dan van jouself.
• Jou identiteit sal GROEI hoe meer jy dit voed met die waarheid van
God se Woord.
Die boek van Efesiërs en jou hemelse identiteit.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
even as he
chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and
blameless before him.
In love he
predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the
purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.
In him
we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the
riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight
In him
we have obtained an inheritance , having been predestined according to the purpose of him
who works all things according to the counsel of his will,
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in
him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit , who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we
acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
Ephesians 1:3, 8, 11, 13 14
Jy is geliefd as God se aangenome kind
Jy word nie net liefde gegee nie; jy word die titel “Geliefde”
Geliefde beteken basies, “een vir wie God onvoorwaardelik
lief is.”
Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that he
loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our
sins. (1 John 4:10)
If you are always feeling unloved, even though you know you are
God’s child, it might be because of bitterness or unconfessed sin in
your heart that is blinding your eyes and clogging your spiritual ears
from seeing and hearing what God’s Spirit is saying to you about
who you are (1 John 3:13 24). But He is love and loving whether
we’re in tune to His voice or not.
“God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for
us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in
trespasses” (Eph. 2:4 5). “God proves his own love for us in that
while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). “Those
who were not my people,” He said, “I will call ‘my people,’ and her
who was not beloved I will call beloved’” (Rom. 9:25 esv)
Jy is geseënd as God se geestelike seun
• ONTHOU as jy Hom vra om jou Sy seën te gee: jy is reeds
geseënd “met elke geestelike seëning in die hemele in
• The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed
is the Lord, is blessed. (Jer. 17:7)
God’s Word reveals what life is certain to bear out. Far from being
stingy with His blessings, God pours them out in abundance from
the Garden of Eden to the current events of this day. That’s because
the treasury of His blessing unlike anything we know on the
earth is truly bottomless. He never needs to borrow from anyone,
“as though he needed anything” (Acts 17:
And He has no desire to hold them back. “He did not even spare his
own Son but offered him up for us all. How will he not also with
him grant us everything?” (Rom. 8:32).
Jy is gered as God se nuwe skepping
• God wou regtig hê dat jy gered moet word.
• If, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God
through the death of his Son, then how much more, having
been reconciled, will we be saved by his life. (Rom. 5:10)
To be “rescued,” in the original language, carries with it the idea of
someone rushing across enemy lines and pulling a person out of
danger by force to liberate them. That’s what Jesus did for you
through the violence of the cross. The whole Bible, really, is the
story of God rescuing His lost and endangered people, delivering
them from the life threatening peril they were caught in and setting
them free.
But every rescue throughout Scripture
the shepherd David being
rescued “from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear” (1 Sam.
17:37); Daniel being rescued from the lions’ den; his friends being
rescued from
the fiery furnace
each one of these stories foreshadows the
gospel story of Jesus going to the cross to rescue us from . . .
From what? From what danger?
From the greatest danger of all. From the just and holy wrath of
God on sin (Rom. 6:23).
Jy is vergewe en geregverdig deur Jesus se kruisdood
• Vergifnis is wat die berekening oor hoe ons sondes teen ons
opgemeet word heeltemal verander.
• Dis hoe ons gaan van ‘n skuld wat ons aan ons Skepper
verskuldig is wat onmoontlik is om af te betaal (Matt. 18:24
25) na ‘n grootboekrekening wat lees “Volledig betaal.” Niks
verskuldig nie. Nul balans. Mure verwyder. Toegang aanvaar.
• He has not dealt with us as our sins deserve or repaid us
according to our iniquities. (Ps. 103:10)
You are forgiven. Or to put it in biblical language that might sound
more official, you are . . .
Justified. Justification is a legal term that’s equal to a judge
declaring a defendant in court “not guilty.” Rendered innocent. All
charges dropped.
“What the law could not do, since it was weakened by the flesh,
God did.
He condemned sin in the flesh by sending his own Son in the
likeness of sinful flesh as a sin offering, in order that the law’s
requirement would be fulfilled in us” (Rom. 8:3 4).
So here’s how it works, in the new
creation economy of grace. God
looks at your report card, and then He looks at Christ’s report card.
Yours, like ours, looks terrible and dismal. Failing grades
everywhere. The Ten Commandments? Nobody’s perfectly followed
them except Christ.
So Jesus’ report card looks perfect. Straight A’s. But then, in a move
that’s as shocking and loving as it could be, God in His great love for
us has nailed our report card to the cross of Christ and given us His
report card instead. By faith we have received God’s plan for our
forgiveness, and the Father accepts Jesus’ spotless record as if it
were ours. He passes over the sins that we’ve committed (Rom.
3:25), and through the righteous sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, He
declares us righteous in Him, in Christ (v. 26). He considers us
“justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in
Christ Jesus” (v. 24) 24)——“the righteous for the unrighteous” (2 Pet.
3:18). Totally forgiven. Totally undeserved. All to the praise of the
glory of His grace!
Jy word hoog op prys gestel as God se woonplek
• God het nie ‘n aardse woonplek nodig nie.
• Hy is nie ver van enigeen van ons af nie, want deur Hom lewe
ons, beweeg ons en bestaan ons. Hand. 17:27 28 (1983)
• Hoe spesiaal, ontnugterend
heilig is dit nie om te besef
dat God jou liggaam Sy woonplek maak.
• Dit is ook deel van jou identiteit. Die Gees van Christus, die
Gees van God, het “deur geloof” (Ef. 3:17) in jou hart kom
woon, deur jou geloof in Hom.
• I will dwell and walk among them, and I will be their God,
and they will be my people. (2 Cor. 6:16)
We are each individually God’s temple. And we, the worldwide
body of Christ, are also being made into the corporate, holy temple
of God. Far from lowering your relative value, far from making you
merely a lone face in a large crowd, this desire of God to fill His
church with His presence expands your influence. It makes you part
of an active force of gospel grace and truth on the earth that not
even the “gates of hell” (Matt. 16:18 esv ) can keep from advancing.
The living God who inhabits you gives you loving, caring, supportive
“fellowship” within the Christ honouring unity of these other
believers also, even as He gives you fellowship “with the Father and
with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3).
God’s Spirit among you, teaching you, unifying you, and tying your
hearts together with other believers, is what helps keep you
inspired toward “love and good works,” as well as “encouraging
each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching” (Heb.
10:24 25).
“Shout for joy and be glad,” the Old Testament prophets wrote of
this day, “for I am coming to dwell among you” (Zech. 2:10). “I will
make a covenant of peace with them; it will be a permanent
covenant with them. I will establish and multiply them and will set
my sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place will be with
them; I will be their God, and they will be my people” (Ezek. 37:26
Jy het gawes ontvang as God se SpecOps dienskneg
• Verlossing is ‘n nuwe begin. Nuut in Christus. ‘n Nuwe
• God het jou uitverkies “voor die grondlegging van die
wêreld” (Ef 1:4).
• Lank voordat jy selfs verwek is, het Hy reeds besluit
op grond van Sy unieke, omvattende kennis van jou presies
hoe Hy jou lewe tot Sy eer wil gebruik.
• Jy is God se handewerk. God het ‘n plan vir jou, en Hy kan jou
sterk punte gebruik en jou verlos van jou foute.
• Jy is die ideale, uniek begaafde, uniek voorbereide persoon
om sekere spesiale dinge vir die koninkryk te doen.
• “Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his
harvest.” (Matt. 9:38)
Take Paul, for example. Jesus saved him on the road to Damascus in
Acts 9. And from there, he became the majority writer of the
remainder of the New Testament. But for many years prior to
that completely without Paul’s awareness of it God had a plan
for him at that time in history to be His “chosen instrument to take
my name to Gentiles, kings, and Israelites” (Acts 9:15).
He was a Roman citizen; he understood the Gentile mind. But he
was also rigorously trained in the Hebrew tradition, so he
understood the Jewish mind as well. He had the intelligence and
background to articulate the gospel in ways that people of either
stripe could understand (if they wanted to understand). And he had
the tenacity to stand his ground against ferocious opposition . . .
because when he saw zealous rage in someone else’s eyes, he
could remember how it felt. He knew the terrible things it could
make someone do. But he also knew how Jesus, by His grace, could
transform even the hardest soul.
Because he was God’s workmanship. God took Paul’s strengths,
redeemed his sinful ways, and made him perfect for the job.
Omdat Jesus my Here is, en omdat ek in Christus is, …
• is ek
geliefd as God se aangenome kind. Ek weet ek verdien dit nie, maar ek ontvang dit deur
geloof van my liefdevolle hemelse Vader, wat Sy liefde op my gestel het, my uitverkies en my
aangeneem het.
• is ek
geseënd as God se geestelike kind, met die volle seëninge van seunskap. God het my alles
gegee wat nodig is vir lewe en godsaligheid, elke geestelike seëning in die hemele in Christus.
• is ek
gered van God se geregverdigde toorn oor my sonde, en is ek ‘n splinternuwe skepping
deur Jesus se bloed. God het my uit die duisternis gered en my vir ewig by Hom veilig gemaak.
• en as gevolg van Sy kruisdood as volle betaling vir my sondes, is ek
volkome vergewe en
geregverdig , elke sonde is betaal. God sien my nou met die geregtigheid van Christus as Sy
verloste heilige.
• woon sy Gees nou in my. Ek is die
woonplek van God . Ek is gekoop teen ‘n prys, die hoë prys van
my Verlosser se bloed, en Hy het my waardig geag om gemeenskap met Hom te hê.
• is ek
Sy handewerk . Ek is in Hom geskape vir goeie werke , wat Hy reeds vir my voorberei het om
te doen. Elke vaardigheid en ervaring wat Hy my gegee het, is Syne om op Sy bevel te gebruik.
Met ons NUWE Identiteit het ons ook ‘n erfenis
in Christus
• Redding en vergifnis
Kol 1:13 14
• Ewige lewe
Joh 3:16; Rom 6:23
•‘n Hemelse Vader
Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6
•Seëninge Ef 1:3 4
• ‘n Geestelike familie Ef 2:19
• ‘n Huis in die hemel Fil 3:20 21; Joh 14:2
• ‘n Hoop vir ‘n toekoms in dié lewe 1 Pet 1:3; Rom 15:13
• Ons erfenis is onverganklik, onbesmet en onverwelklik
1 Pet 1:4; Open 21:7
Weet jy wie jy is… volgens God se spieël
• Wat dink jy dink God van jou?
• Glo jy dat Hy jou werklik sien, vir jou omgee en jou intiem ken?
• Voel jy dat Hy jou aanvaar, jou net verdra of jou selfs verwerp?
• Glo jy opreg dat Hy jou liefhet?