Preek/ Boodskap oor: Durf om te Draai

The Power to Pivot

“Maar Jesus antwoord hulle:
uur het gekom dat die Seun van die Mens verheerlik moet word. Amen, amen, Ek vir julle: As ‘n koringkorrel nie in die grond val en sterf nie, bly dit net een enkele korrel; maar as dit sterf, dra dit baie vrug.”
Johannes 12:23-24 ‘83

Pivot – Wat, hoe en hoekom?


turn on or as if on a pivot for example
“the sail pivots around the axis of the mast“

To completely change the way in which one does something for example
“the teams performed exceptionally by quickly pivoting to meet the increased demand from our customers”

begin to run or manage (something) in a completely different way for example
“practice creativity in pivoting your business from its current platforms to new ways of service deliveries”


1. Die Einde
Die Krisis
Die Teleurstelling
Die Strategiese besluit
Die Openbaring

(maak die keuse)

Ek Leef heilig

“Dít verseker Ek julle: Wie in My glo, sal ook die dinge doen wat Ek doen; en hy sal nog groter dinge as dit doen, omdat Ek na die Vader toe gaan.
JOH 14:12 ‘83

Ek Leef oopkop

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind (creative imagination) is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Is 26:3 NKJV

Ek Leef met aanvaarding

God het elke ding gemaak dat dit pas in ‘n bepaalde tyd, maar Hy het ook aan die mens ‘n besef gegee van die onbepaalde tyd. Tog kan die mens die werk van God van begin tot einde nie begryp nie.
Pred 3:11 ‘83

Ek Leef vry

“Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by;
I am doing something new; it’s springing up – can’t you see it? I am making a road in the desert, rivers in the wasteland.
Is 43:18-19 CJB

Ek Leef Omhelsend

Ek sê nie dat ek dit alles al het of die doel al bereik het nie, maar ek span my in om dit alles myne te maak omdat Christus Jesus my reeds Syne gemaak het. Broers, ek verbeel my nie dat ek dit alles al het nie. Maar een ding doen ek: ek maak my los van wat agter is en strek my uit na wat voor is. Ek span my in om by die wenstreep te kom, sodat ek die hemelse prys kan behaal waartoe God my geroep het in Christus Jesus.
Ons almal wat geestelik volwasse is, moet hierdie gesindheid hê.
Fil 3:12-15


Om te draai is nie noodwendig dat jy ‘n makliker lewe of posisie inneem nie. Soms is die draai net in ons gemoed nodig om dieselfde wedloop met ‘n nuwe asem te hardloop.


“Maar Saggeus het gaan staan en vir die Here gesê: “Kyk, Here, ek gee die helfte van my besittings aan die armes, en as ek van iemand iets afgepers het, gee ek dit viervoudig terug. ” Jesus het vir hom gesê: “Vandag het daar verlossing vir hierdie huis gekom, want ook hy is ‘n seun van Abraham.”
Lukas 19:8-9 AFR20


PaasSeisoen van vernuwing

Fun facts about April

(Eksodus 12/13)

April is the month for celebrating new beginnings! On the biblical Hebrew calendar, in the months of Nisan and Iyar, we celebrate the children of Israel being released from bondage to the Egyptians. This celebration is included in the spring festivals of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Feast of First Fruits.

Most of the Jewish culture today refers to it as Nisan. On the Gregorian calendar, it begins usually in March. In the month of Nisan begins also the cycle of the seven major feasts in the Bible. Three of the seven festivals fall in Nisan. (Passover – Deliverance of old, Unleavened bread – cleaning out, first fruits – new beginnings)

The month of April gets its name from the Latin word aperio, meaning “to open [bud],” because plants really begin to grow now.

NB: Northern hemisphere and Biblical agricultural season starts

The Scriptures tell us the Biblical New Year takes place in the spring, around the time of the spring equinox, 14 days before God’s Appointed Day of Passover. Spring is associated with the regrowth of green vegetation, beautiful blooming flowers and animals coming out from hibernation!

Most importantly this is the season of Jesus’s crucifixtion, death, burial and ressurection. It is the season of the Holy Spirit, salvation, new life and freedom in Christ.

April is the season of renewal and refreshing