Hoë Priester en Sondebok

Yom Kippur – die dag van versoening – Hoe Jesus ons Yom Kippur vervulling is

As die son sak vanaand 27 Sep tot die son sak Maandag aand 28 Sep 2020, staan die spesifieke 24-uur bekend as Yom Kippur.


Bome & Bosse

John Piper het op n geleentheid in n onderhoud gesê: “I have dealt with more people who are ready to give up their Christian faith precisely because of the slowness of their sanctification, rather than because of physical harm that’s been brought to them or hurt that’s come to their life. They’re just tired.”


Skoon & Gereed (Deel 2)

2 Tim 2:21 (NLV) – As jy jouself skoon hou van die verkeerde, sal jy n kosbare item wees, n spesiale besitting van die Huiseienaar, een wat Hy nuttig kan gebruik en wat gereed is vir enige goeie taak.


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